ArcGIS Server 10.7.1: How to get the number of concurrent users of a map service?
I couldn’t figure out if there is a tool by which the number of concurrent users of a map service can be obtained
Google Analytics provide good tools to count the number of all users and concurrent users for a particular site but not sure how to count the number of concurrent users of esri map services
Hi Jamal,
I don't know of any way to track the number of users actively making requests to a map service, since one instance of the service can correlate to requests from multiple users. However, there may be a way to set up a counter in ArcGIS Monitor to track the usage of services beyond what you can see in Server Manager.
Specifically, I came across this Ideas post to add a counter for the functionality you described: Feel free to vote on this idea and help it gain traction.
Thanks Calvin.
What is the link of the idea so that I can vote?
Oops, just realized I pasted the wrong URL! I edited my above post with the correct link.
I have already voted. Thanks
Does this mean that even the ArcGIS Monitor doesn’t have this functionality (counting the number of concurrent users of map services)?
Hi Jamal NUMAN,
If your primary interest in the number of concurrent users relates to performance tuning, you might like to take a look at the System Log Parser tool -
While from memory it doesn't tell you the number for concurrent users, it does provide some very detailed metrics on how your services are handling the load that they're under - much more so than the built-in ArcGIS Server statistics. In my experience, the output of the System Log Parser tool is sufficient to inform most decisions to made around the performance of your ArcGIS Server site.
Thank you James for the help