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Upgrade from 10.7.1 to 11.3 having MS SQL 2019 Geodatabase issues

12-03-2024 09:10 PM
Emerging Contributor

I just attempted an upgrade from Server/Portal 10.7.1 on MSSQL 2019 and have issues in the last step. The portal upgraded fine and is working but having issues with the server. I can access the upgraded server admin and manager and everything looks fine but when I try and access the services I get an error.

Error: '[] com.esri.arcgis.discovery.admin.client.AdminClient.getAllFolders(java.lang.String, java.util.List)'
Code: 500

Digging int the logs it looks like the geo database version (10.2.2) needs to be upgraded. When I try and upgrade the geo database (or even create a new DB and make geodatabase) I get an error from the MS ODBC driver.


[05:25:13.121] DBMS stored procedures being created or updated...

[05:25:13.174] ERROR in creating system stored procedures.

Error: -51

  DBMS error code: 137

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Must declare the scalar variable "@PhysicalName".

[05:25:13.183] SDE schema object install not completed.

[05:25:13.184] ERROR installing/upgrading ArcSDE, Error = -529

I can't find any reference to this anywhere. To revert to the 10.7.1 means undoing portal, and web adaptor as well which is very time consuming.

Any ideas?



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2 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

Enterprise geodatabases and ArcGIS Enterprise operate independently of each other. I mean, they both must be compatible with each other. But both can operate independently of each other, meaning that upgrading ArcGIS Enterprise to 11.3 has nothing to do with creating new EGDBs. You might have compatibility issues with your 10.2.2 EGDB, but upgrading shouldn't have prevented you from being able to create new EGDBs.

You should definitely NOT have to revert back to 10.7.1 because you're not able to create new EGDBs. However, you might have to revert back to 10.7.1 because a 10.2.2 EGDB is definitely not compatible with 11.3. You also most likely won't be able to upgrade a 10.2.2. EGDB directly to the latest version. You'll probably need to upgrade the EGDB in ArcMap 10.5, then again in 10.8, then again in ArcGIS Pro. I've had to do that with a few very old EGDBs.

As far as the error in your screenshot, the error message references a log file you can check for additional information. Did you check that to see if it has any useful information in it?

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