I'm in the process of upgrading ArcGIS Enterprise 10.4.1 to 10.7.1 at a customer site.
Before starting the upgrade I successfully made backups of all components separately (portal, server, datastore) as well as with webgisdr. No problems.
Server 1: Portal for ArcGIS + Webadaptor 'portal' (content directory in netw file share)
Server 2: ArcGIS Server + Webadaptor 'server' + DataStore (serverdirs, configuration Store in netw file share)
When upgrading the Portal I get an error message: "Failed to import data to the content directory correctly. Unable to unzip portal content."
Anyone had this problem? Any ideas on how to resolve this situation?
Just wondering if you managed to fix this issue we are also having similar issue in version 10.5 to 10.7.1
Yes the situation was resolved. I believe it was caused by lack of permissions for the portal service account on the file share where the portal contents dir resided, possibly due to policies in this particular environment.
I changed the portal config to have its content store locally. Then the upgrade went thru without problems. After that I switched back to having the contents dir in file share.
Hope this helps,
Thank You for your quick reply Erik.
Just wondering how did you change the portal config to it's content store locally. was this before the upgrade as I can only see the options to either upgrade or validate licence in admin url. Is there a method to change this once you have initiated an upgrade.
True, I missed out on a "small" detail.. Portal is installed on a virtual server and after numerous attempts to move the installation forward, I reverted the whole portal server back to it's original state (snapshot) b4 upgrade. Then copied portal content dir from filenshare to server and configured to local content dir innportaladmin.
Sorry should have mentioned this!
Seems to have not resolved my issue even after reverting snapshots and updating the config store to local drive .The config string seems to be getting encrypted and keeps going back to the encrypted version even after setting the "isConnectionStringEncrypted":false in admin directory. Not sure if this is related to the encryption on connectionString.
Suraj, We are having the similar issues. I'm interested in knowing what was your eventual solution.