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Server-Portal Error in Feature Service While Trying To Edit

04-24-2018 04:21 PM
Emerging Contributor


Receiving the following error when trying to edit a text field in a feature service using ArcGIS Server-Portal 10.5.1

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Any ideas?

6 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor

I think you'll need to set the logs to DEBUG and provide more messages. It's hard to understand what the problem is with just a single message.

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Emerging Contributor
  1. {error: {code: 400, message: "Unable to complete operation.",…}}
    1. error:{code: 400, message: "Unable to complete operation.",…}
      1. code:400
      2. details:["Invalid untrusted Html content detected in field: ConditionComments."]
        1. 0:"Invalid untrusted Html content detected in field: ConditionComments."
      3. message:"Unable to complete operation."
Emerging Contributor

So how to identify issue in a text field with 2290 records? Is there a way to do a find/replace for hidden HTML code in that text field?

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Esri Notable Contributor

It sounds like the edit is going through with some HTML in the ConditionComments field... The edit should be against a single record, so if you can identify that record, you can determine if the field already has the HTML in it, and for some reason now returning an error about it, or someone is adding HTML to the field during an edit operation. I thought you would be able to see the edit parameters in the DEBUG logs.

Occasional Contributor

User here was editing a field but another ready only field ended up being the culprit.  This Invalid html content in json request body solution resolved my issue of "Invalid untrusted Html content detected in field".  Once web filter web content was disabled and service was restarted user was able to sync in Collector. 

MVP Regular Contributor


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