Original User: Schlomm
To make it more easy to figure out, what's going wrong, I've started from scratch. Would be nice, if someone could guide me through the different steps. I've uninstalled PostgreSQL, uninstalled PostGIS, deleted any connection.
I've downloaded the file "PostgreSQL_DBMS_for_Windows_922_136133.exe" from the esri Customer Portal. This package include the PostgreSQL 9.2.2 executable installation.
So...no I have a new installation of PostgreSQL 9.2.2 64Bit without PostGIS and without modifying something except of the pg_hba.conf file to enable remote access. See screenshot "database.png" to get an overview how it looks right now.
I've also downloaded from the esri Customer Portal the "PostgreSQL_Client_Libraries_for_Windows_922_136131.exe" fiel, which includes the Client files for database support.
I've copied the 64Bit files to the \bin directory of my ArcGIS Sever installation
I've copied the 32bit files to the \bin directory of my ArcGIS Desktop installation, which is running in my personal computer.
As you can see in the first screenshot, I can access the database (running on the ArcGIS Server) by using pg Admin from my personal computer.
Now I want to add the Database connection to ArcCatalog. So I open ArcCatalog , go to "Add Database Connection" and there I fill in the necessary information (screenshot ArcCatalog.png)....by the way: It took me a while figuring out to define your port by using a comma -.-
The problem, which I have for now (look at screenshot ArcCatalog.png): I can't add the connection to the database, because I haven't got the chance to select one database. The existing database "postgres" (look screenshot of pg Admin; the database exists!) is not selectable via the "Add Database connection" assistant.
I think, it would be the est to figure out step by step what I have to do.
Thanks a lot,