Publishing with “overwrite” option ends up with the frustrating error “packaging succeeded, but publishing failed”,
Despite the fact that “analyze” shows no errors and the “preview” displays the map correctly, nevertheless, publishing with “overwrite” option ends up with the frustrating error “packaging succeeded, but publishing failed”.
What might be the issue here?
This issue has never been resolved even in case we are using 10.5
Thank you
First, check your services. If the service exists try to start it - many times it just works.
If not try to publish again - many times it works for me.
You can try to delete the original service and publish new service (not overwrite) but there is no problem with the overwrite option.
Turn off the KML capability - less warnings.
Try not to do other stuff on the machine while doing publishing.
If you do not have a real problem in the server log then the publish should work.
Have Fun
Hi Jamal,
Please see the Esri KnowledgeBase article,
Hope this helps,
Thank you Mody and Derek for the help.
We have been struggling with this issue since ages with no solution at all. We have tried all what you have mentioned but with no effect.
The service exists and it’s running normally., and working fine.
We tried to publish the services several times with no effect
Our service is online! This is not possible option all the time. However, this is done with no effect
No effect
I do nothing with No effect
No issues are reported in the logs about this map service
I walked through Esri KnowledgeBase article and I confirm the following:
The service is started
The server Allow access to all users
We publish by Admin who have all authority for ArcGIS Server
ArcGIS Account is a part of Local Administrators Groups
It’s already configured like this
Creating a service definition in ArcGIS for Desktop.
It’s already created but with no effect
We tried this several times with no advantages
We don’t use Web Adapter
What do you think?
Best Regards,
I hope we can hear back from Mody and Derek and see if this very challenging issue can be resolved. Most of the time, we are not able to complete our work due to this problem. It is killing us
Hi Rawan,
If you've tried the various troubleshooting solutions that were proposed by modybsystematics-co-il-esridist and the KB article I referenced, I doubt there is much else we can do to assist over GeoNet. I suggest you contact Esri Tech Support and open an incident so they can help you investigate further. In some cases, they can remote connect to access your system, and/or they have the technical resources to repro your environment.
Good luck,
Thanks for reply Derek,
I will contact them, we hope we can find a solution for this issue.
Hi All,
I tried a workaround to solve this issue and it’s working fine, but this workaround needs to stop the ArcGIS Server services which means that the online application will be down.
You can follow these steps to solve this:
Hi Jamal & Rawan,
I have another option to do this with 1 min down time,
like first create SD file and update the service with different name like new
and then rename existing file as old and new name service as you use in your environment.
renaming takes only 1/2 min.
Check ArcGIS server admin tool to do renaming.
I have some thing most of the time.
We hope to hear back from esri experts on this. In my eyes, this issue needs to have root solution.