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Missing Tiles

11-25-2014 06:41 AM
Occasional Contributor II

We are currently in the process of caching a large imagery mosaic using AWS.  Every time we run the cache we are missing some tiles typically in the last two levels. The recreate empty tiles tool always creates warnings- either the can not cache extent XXXX or can not access data (even though the folder with the data is registered). I know there are lots of folks having issues with caching at 10.2 and I have read those posts and tried many of the work arounds:

1) turn off server and delete all the bundle files in the levels that did not create 100% tiles and then recreate tiles.

2) creating a new status gdb

3) Creating the service and then caching afterwards, caching the larger caches individually

4) Tweaked the AWS so we can allocate 5 caching instances

We have been working with support and they have been helpful but we are still not able to get 100% tiles for all the cache levels. Is there any work arounds that I have not tried yet that have worked for others?


1 Reply
Occasional Contributor

I've had/have similar issues, so please post your solution if you have one.

In the past, I've had a cache with a small patch of missing tiles at Level 18 (all the rest cached fine). I tried creating the empty tiles, but that didn't doing anything. So then I tried recreating all tiles and that started to make whole in the cache bigger.

Haha... as I was typing this I think I just stumbled across something that worked for me (For a situation where I was having an issue at the largest scale, level 19). I added another cache level (level 20 at 1:564) and then cached with an AOI around the area of missing tiles and set it to cache missing tiles for levels 20, 19 and 18.

Hope that helps...Sounds like your missing tile situation is a little more complicated though. Have you double-checked the MinPS and MaxPS values of you mosaic and the max cell size set with your service properties? A mismatch with these can lead to irregular areas of missing cache.
