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How to import a file geodatabase to SQL Server using a Python Script?

07-23-2017 08:15 AM
Deactivated User

How to import a file geodatabase to SQL Server using a Python Script? Are there any limitations? Which modules can I use to create a python script? Is pyodbc module the most appropriate one? Anyone has already any examples to show? thks, M.

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8 Replies
Regular Contributor II


Have you considered arcpy and the Feature Class to Feature Class command?

Here is a code sample:

Deactivated User

I did Joe. But I am looking to import the full file geodatabase in one go rather than exporting each feature class..

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

There are some options mentioned here (although it is the other way around it will work for your case too): Copy a list of feature classes from Enterprise to Geodatabase 

Regular Contributor


You can simply use the same code mentioned in the help for Feature Class To Geodatabase—Help | ArcGIS Desktop. This should easily create all you feature classes in your target database with the same names. In case you have some non-spatial tables that also need to be moved in your target database you can use Table To Geodatabase—Help | ArcGIS Desktop 

Just keep in mind that you will have to add the an environment setting for the if you are using any. Refer What are configuration keywords?—ArcGIS Help | ArcGIS Desktop 

I hope this helps!


MVP Emeritus

If this is a one time deal, and you don't need it to be a Python script, you can do a copy-paste (using OS commands like control-c, control-v) into a Sde geodatabase.  The geodatabase would have to exist first, and you my want to copy datasets one at a time, not that it will not work all at once, but you have a bit more control knowing what has completed.

if for a class or will be repeated, I agree that feature classe to featureclass as mentioned above would be you best option.

Deactivated User

HI Rebecca, it is not a one time deal. It should be automated a recorrer every month.

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Regular Contributor


The sample script that is provided in Feature Class To Geodatabase—Help | ArcGIS Desktop and Table To Geodatabase—Help | ArcGIS Desktop 

along with the CONFIG_KEYWORD can be invoked on demand using Task Scheduler which can be set to execute on a desired date in the month.

Refer Scheduling a Python script to run at prescribed times—Help | ArcGIS Desktop 

I hope this helps!


New Contributor

Hey Shan, how can I add/ update config keyword while copying the fgdb to sql server? I can do it in GUI where it allows me the option to change it from DEFAULT to GEOMETRY. How can I do it using Arcpy?

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