Thank you Thomas for the input. This is very useful.
1. If (n+1) is recommended for the maximum number of ArcSoc that can be allocated for a single service, then how about the maximum number of ArcSoc the machine can take for all services? is there math formula for this?
2. All are services treated equally without considering the content of the service:
i) The number of layers contained in the service
ii) The type of layers contained in the service (point, line, polygon)
iii) How heavy the layers contained in the service (is the layer that contains 1000 features is treated as the one that contains 100,000)
3. The documentations on this topic is very general and don’t answer some very specific questions like the ones highlighted in this post
Jamal Numan
Geomolg Geoportal for Spatial Information
Ramallah, West Bank, Palestine