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Export Web Map, What is Missing

11-11-2017 02:05 PM
Regular Contributor

I have read many questions like this and have not found any resolution yet.

Recently after upgrade to 10.5.1, the custom print service on one of my arcgis servers is failing.

The print service is a geoprocessing service published using Export Web Map tool and uses some custom templates.

In one server machine, it works and in another it fails. Both arcgis servers are set identical interms of security and permissions to files and folders. 

Unable to complete operation.
Error executing tool. Export Web Map
Why it works on one and doesn't work in another arcgis server, its been hard to find out.
Yes esri says that this is not supported anymore for web tier authentication, but why is it still working on one and not the other. Both servers were upgraded using the same install software. What I am missing? Both arcgis servers have their web adaptors installed in each machine with the arcgis server.
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12 Replies
Emerging Contributor

so I just tried the url on the machine itself and getting a 401.2 error... authentication should be basic and windows.

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Emerging Contributor

just to the rest service home page it prompts for credentials.

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Esri Regular Contributor

Basically if you can't access the service that way, then print service won't be able to do that either.

Can you figure out why you are getting prompted for credentials even when your map service is public?

Pls check this video that explain how print service works in general and see whether it helps you any way.

Enabling High-Quality Printing in Web Applications - YouTube 

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