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Enterprise Hosted Feature Layer Views and Open Data

04-11-2022 02:01 PM
Occasional Contributor

Using Enterprise 10.9.1, I have published both a hosted feature layer and a view layer. The view layer has a filter set on it, but when I share them with our Open Data site, both layers are returning the entire feature set. Is this expected behavior?

Here is the Portal item for the view layer:

If you view the Data tab, you will see around 300 features.

Here is the REST endpoint for the view layer:

If you run a REST query, it returns more than 1,000 features.

I would have expected a filter/definition query on a view layer to be honored through a REST query as well as the Portal item.

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1 Reply
Emerging Contributor

The hosted feature has a "maxRecordCount" : 1000 default value. You can go in and change that if you like through the admin of the rest services by adding admin here. /arcgis/rest/admin/services/Hosted/service_{ID}/FeatureServer



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