Does operation https://<geometryservice-url>/convexHull require specific license like Advanced Server?
Greetings @MichaelGinzburg
In order to create a minimum bounding geometry, such as a convex hull, you do not need a specific license; the tool is available at the Basic, Standard and Advanced license levels in ArcGIS Pro. Please check the following information for details Minimum Bounding Geometry (Data Management)
Hope the above is of use.
Thanks Miguel,
Is it the same for ArcGIS Enterprise?
Greetings @MichaelGinzburg
In ArcGIS Enterprise, the Geometry service set by default is the ArcGIS Online one:
It can be replaced by the Geometry Service of the Federated server in ArcGIS Enterprise.
Basically, any user that has the correct user type, role, and privilege combination should be able to use the Convex Hull and other Geometry Service supported operations.
I trust the above is of help.