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Datastore Tile Cache Error - Server not reachable

06-13-2022 06:29 AM
New Contributor


I'm currently trying to install another datastore on a second server in our test-enviroment.
The old server will be shut down soon and i need to configure the new one.

When trying to configure a tile cache datastore i get back an error message that basically says the server isn't reachable. All ports used by the tile cache datastore have been opened in the local firewall.
I've already configured a relational datastore with the same site parameters which worked fine, but I'm at a loss with the tile cache one.

The Machine is a Windows Server 2019. The datastore version is 10.8.1 which we will update later on.

I welcome any and all replies.

Thanks Lukas

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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor

Is there a tilecache datastore already configured with ArcGIS Server? Also can you ping the IIS splashscreen or ipconfig into machine 2 where you are attempting to install the DS from the server machine?

Keep on keeping on!
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