Hi GeoNet
I get the following when I try to publish to arcgis server.
The server is federated
Arcgis enterprise 10.5.1
I can access the rest url
Any help much appreciated
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi Hendrik,
I've done a little research, it looks like this issue can occur when the ArcGIS Server Windows service account does not have internet access. Do you know if this is the case for your ArcGIS Server?
If so you might want to try the following workflow:
ArcGIS Server - Common problems and solutions
Hi Hendrik,
Please take a look at this Esri Knowledgebase technical article, it has some suggestions to help troubleshoot:
Error: ERROR 001369: Failed to create the service
Hope this helps,
Hi Derek
Checked all the suggestions in the link and still the same error
Need more details.
What client are you publishing from? ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro?
Are you publishing from the ArcGIS Server machine or another client?
What are you publishing? A map service, a feature service, or a hosted feature service?
HI William
It's from ArcMap and its just a map service. I publish from the ArcGIS Server machine
Hi Hendrik,
You also might want to take a look at this article as the error message looks very similar.
Do you have any forward proxy configured under 'Internet Options' on the ArcGIS Server machine?
Is TLS 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 enabled under 'Internet Options' on the ArcGIS Server machine?
Hope that article is helpful.
Thank you,
Hi Thomas
No proxy configured. TLS 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2 are enabled. I did follow the link and sorry that didn't fix the issue.
Any other ideas?
See if you have a table in the map doc that you have forgot about. I had that an error once similar to this and had forgot I had added the table. Good Luck.
HI Larry
It's just a polygon layer that I created to test.
Any other ideas?
Hi Hendrik,
I've done a little research, it looks like this issue can occur when the ArcGIS Server Windows service account does not have internet access. Do you know if this is the case for your ArcGIS Server?
If so you might want to try the following workflow:
ArcGIS Server - Common problems and solutions