Here's one for you guys- we updated our distributed deployment Enterprise to 11 from 10.9.1, but left the federated side at 10.9.1 as it has to continue to support a couple of ArcMap runtime services (feature access that contains a geometric network) for now.
The webgis dr tool keeps returning the
‘Cannot get the the Web GIS configuration. Exiting the WebGIS DR utility.’
I was able to put the new log4j2.xml log config file into debug mode:
<!-- Valid levels are debug, info, warn, and error -->
<Logger name="com.esri.arcgis.webgis" level="debug" additivity="false">
and it turns out that something in the tool is truncating the 10.9.1 web adaptor name in the request url:
. . . .
"privatePortalUrl":https://mydnsname:7443/arcgis ,"portalUrl":https://myf5name/portal ,"serverUrl":https://myf5name/agsfed ,"portalMode":"ARCGIS_PORTAL_FEDERATION","privateHostingServerUrl":https://myf5name/server ,"serverId":"avoF0rF9WMPfyZJp"}}
2022-09-14 13:45:44 DEBUG [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-9] com.esri.arcgis.webgis.service.impl.WebGISDRFrontController - The response returned HTTP status code 404. Requested URL: https://myf5name/agsfe/rest/info
. . . .
So basically something is turning my federated web adaptor name 'agsfed' into 'agsfe' in the request. How could that happen??
In the meantime, waiting to see what support says for my case . . .