I tried to upgrade a portal installation as described in this article (https://enterprise.arcgis.com/en/portal/latest/administer/windows/upgrade-portal-for-arcgis.htm). The Setup did complete successfully and I uploaded my licence file through the website. So far so good. But unfortunately I am not able to access the portal.
When trying to reach the portal home I get a blank screen. I did a bit of digging and I think this is the problem:
<Msg time="2020-12-02T15:58:02,331" type="SEVERE" code="218010" source="Portal Admin" process="2564" thread="1" methodName="" machine="PORTAL2018" user="" elapsed="" requestID="">The portal has been initialized and configured but is not accessible. The internal portal database does not appear to be running or accepting connections. Restart the portal machine or machines and if the problem persists, contact Esri technical support (U.S.) or your distributor (customers outside the U.S.).</Msg>
<Msg time="2020-12-02T15:59:11,403" type="SEVERE" code="218026" source="Portal" process="2564" thread="1" methodName="" machine="PORTAL2018" user="" elapsed="" requestID="">A valid connection couldnt be made to the index service. Verify the ports required by Portal for ArcGIS are open and restart the Portal for ArcGIS service. If the problem persists, contact Esri technical support (U.S.) or your distributor (customers outside the U.S.).</Msg>
I did try to find a solution, following some of the posts I found (https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-enterprise-portal/the-index-service-seems-to-be-unavaliable-ple... but I am also not able to login to the portaladmin (the portaladmin is accessible) where I get the Error, that I am not authorised to use this resource.
I tried several restarts, but no luck. Does anyone have an idea? Thanks in advance.
So you ran the setup, and once the setup completed, you're able to reach the portal home page, given you were able to upload your license. Once you hit Continue Upgrade, did the home app indicate the upgrade completed successfully? What happens if you go to https://portal.domain.com:7443/arcgis/sharing/rest? Do you see a 404 error?
Hello Jonathan,
yes, I could upload the licence and it started doing something. When I looked at it again after some time there was a blank screen. No 404 error on the /arcgis/home just blank. It seems there are some resources that are not loaded. I attached a picture.
When trying to access /arcgis/sharing/rest I get a 404 error.
I have upgraded a customer from 10.7 to 10.8.1 today and experienced exactly the same. I cannot;
At this point we're thinking to roll-back the snapshot taken before the upgrade and try again. Any advice in the meantime would be appreciated.
"Failed to bind to [7120]"
From your post below, seems like you restored from a snapshot and were able to complete the upgrade, but just wanted to point out that failed to bind means that there was a process, (likely an orphaned java.exe process), listening on 7120 which prevented the new process after the upgrade from binding to that port.
Thanks, Jonathan.
Yes, it was clear that at least one port was unhappy. Not sure if it's related but I'd missed a detail in the upgrade. The customer I was working with had Insights for ArcGIS installed. I had not observed this, and it's not something I see very often with my customers. For the second attempt (after restoring) I uninstalled Insights before the upgrade. Not sure if that could be related or not? It's now on my pre-requisite run sheet to ask/check about Insights before upgrading any further environments.
The whole ArcGIS Enterprise is now successfully running and handed back to the customer for UAT.
Thanks again for looping back.
Unfortunately we were not able to solve the issue. In the end we had to do a clean install of the portal with version 10.8.1 which worked. We were then able to successfully federate the ArGIS Server, so we didn´t loose all our data.
What I tried before was:
- Run the repair routine of the installer
- Uninstall the portal, but without deleting the arcgisportal content directories (index, content, etc). After a fresh install I was prompted with the "Continue Portal Upgrade" site, which ended in an error.
Those steps didn´t solve the issue in my case, but maybe it works for someone else.
Thanks yes. I ended up rolling back to an image taken just before the 10.8.1 upgrade. Went through the install again and it worked. Successful upgrade today.
Not sure if it's related but the environment was AWS. The disk was GP2, so limited IOPS. We used all the burst during the install of Portal which took about 5 1/2 to 6 hours. Today we changed the disk to dedicated IOPS (IO1). Took less than half that time and upgraded first time and nicely. Possibly unrelated but was nice to at least see the MSI work so much faster.
I have the same issue as you have in the in the snapshot above after doing
"- Run the repair routine of the installer
- Uninstall the portal, but without deleting the arcgisportal content directories (index, content, etc). After a fresh install I was prompted with the "Continue Portal Upgrade" site, which ended in an error."
When you mentioned you did a clean install, did you meant uninstall even Server and Web adaptor for Server and Portal apart from Portal then installing all again?