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ArcSDE View not working

04-01-2015 02:19 AM
Emerging Contributor

Hi to all,

I created a ArcSDE 9.3 View with the command line "sdetable –o create_view ...." some month ago. In ArcCatalog I can see the table preview, but not the geography preview. This view is published in a ArcGIS Server 10.1 service, so the polygons are not visible in my web application. When I  created, this view works fine. What can i do to see the polygons in the view?.I would greatly appreciate any feedback you could give me.

Hi michele

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3 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Michele,

Did you include the 'SHAPE' field when you created the view?

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Emerging Contributor

Thank you Jake,

yes, this is the command that i used:


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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Even back at 9.3 (which is now retired), the best way to create views was to use SQL to generate the view itself, then use 'sdelayer -o register' to register the view.  This allows for various validation checks, including a SQL query on the registered rowid column (e.g., OBJECTID), to make sure that it contains unique values, and an 'sdetable -o describe' to verify that the rowid column type is mapping to the SE_INT32 datatype.

The only justification for using 'sdetable -o create_view' is the use of SDEBINARY storage (which was deprecated by Oracle's deprecation of LONG RAW) or SDELOB, neither of which was as flexible as SDE.ST_GEOMETRY.

Given the existance of a 10.1 AGS service, I would strongly urge you to move your geodatabase to a supported install (and make sure that SP1 and the follow-on patches have been applied).

- V

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