Hi there,
Not able to 'create new Site' on ArcGIS Server Manager after ArcGIS Server 10.6 , error attached
The server was unable to access the URL 'https://hostname:6443/arcgis/services'. Please check your firewall and security settings. For more information, see the ArcGIS Server help topic Ports used by ArcGIS Server. You can access this topic in the table of contents by navigating to Administering ArcGIS Server > Securing your ArcGIS Server site > Configuring a secure environment for ArcGIS Server.
My Env : ArcGIS 10.6 on SUSE Linux, Server Installation successful. No firewall running on the server.
Any advice- Thank you
Check if the required ports and programs are allowed through Firewall
Ports used by ArcGIS Server—ArcGIS Server (Linux) Installation Guide (10.6) | ArcGIS Enterprise
Hi Jayanta,
Thanks for your reply! I did check ports and config, We have no firewall installed on this server and all ports are open, I could telnet successfully.
sghanaxx:~ # telnet sghanaxx.xxx.com 6443 (also 6080)
Trying xx.xx.xx.48...
Connected to sghanaxx.xxx.com
https://sghanaxx.xxx.com:6443/arcgis/manager/ OK
https://sghanaxx.xxx.com:6443/arcgis/services Error
https://sghanaxx.xxx.com:6443/arcgis/admin/ OK
Please look at the error log. It may give some visibility !!!
Sorry to just in here, but try
https//<machinename>:6443/arcgis/rest/services or the same with http and 6080
you are missing the "/rest/" in the post above. Might be a typo on the post, but just in case.
Typically once you have the xxx.com part, you drop the :6443 and :6080 part. The arcgis mmay be different if you have a web adaptor setup.
Hi Rebecca,
No, rest included gives me message 'Invalid URL'
Can you confirm the following:
1) What version of SuSE are you using?
2) Can you confirm that the user you used to install ArcGIS Server has read/write access to /tmp and full permissions (at least 700) for the installation path of ArcGIS Server and the config-store/directory paths you mentioned
3) Is /hana/Esri mounted from NFS or is it a local disk?
Check if the services directory is disabled. Enable it if not enabled by default. Disable the Services Directory—ArcGIS Server Administration (Linux) | ArcGIS Enterprise
Also ensure the ArcGIS account has Full privilege to config-store and Server Directories.
What happens if you browse to https://sghanaxx.xxx.com:6443/arcgis/rest/services or http://sghanaxx.xxx.com:6080/arcgis/rest/services/external-link.jspa?url=https%3A%2F%2Fsghana25.sin.sap.corp%3A6443%2Farcgis%2Fservices
Hi Jayanth,
All I see in admin page is attached.
yes, granted full access to dir.
When ran ....6080/arcgis/rest/services/ URL is get below.
Error: ArcGIS Server Site is not initialized.
Code: 500
Appreciate your help.
yes, granted full access to dir
If you have given full control to arcgis account for the config-store and Server Directories, restart the service of ArcGIS Server and try creating the site again. Are you still getting error while creating the site?
Yes Jayanta,
have full permission and restarted the server, but still see the error.
"The server was unable to access the URL 'https://hostname:6443/arcgis/services'. Please check your firewall and security settings. For more information, see the ArcGIS Server help topic Ports used by ArcGIS Server. You can access this topic in the table of contents by navigating to Administering ArcGIS Server > Securing your ArcGIS Server site > Configuring a secure environment for ArcGIS Server."
Can you have a look at this server log 6443.Error.rft attached in my previous reply, It says
<Msg time="2018-03-02T11:31:51,812" type="INFO" code="9510" source="Soap" process="167998" thread="75" methodName="" machine="sghanaxx.xxx.com" user="" elapsed="">Failed to authenticate request.</Msg>
<Msg time="2018-03-02T11:31:51,816" type="INFO" code="9510" source="Soap" process="167998" thread="75" methodName="" machine="sghanaxx.xxx.com" user="" elapsed="">Failed to authenticate request.</Msg>
<Msg time="2018-03-02T11:31:51,818" type="WARNING" code="6740" source="Admin" process="167998" thread="48" methodName="" machine="sghanaxx.xxx.com" user="" elapsed="">The machine 'sghanaxx.xxx.com' was not reachable while performing this operation. The server machine will be notified of this change when it comes back online. If ArcGIS Server is going to continue to be unavailable, remove the machine from the site.</Msg>