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ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3 vs 11.1 Portal Web Adaptor Install Order

3 weeks ago
Frequent Contributor

Hello - In prepping for the Enterprise 11.3 Portal upgrade this weekend, I just now noticed that the step for the Web Adaptor Uninstall - Re-Install has been moved from Step 3 in the upgrade documentation for 11.1:

3. Sign in to the machine hosting the ArcGIS Web Adaptor you're using with your portal, and uninstall ArcGIS Web Adaptor. For full instructions, see the uninstallation topic for IIS or Java (Windows). Be sure to note the name of the Web Adaptor before you uninstall it.

to Step 9 in the latest upgrade documentation for 11.3:

9. Sign in to the machine hosting the ArcGIS Web Adaptor you're using with your portal, and uninstall ArcGIS Web Adaptor. For full instructions, see the uninstallation topic for IIS or Java (Windows). Be sure to note the name of the Web Adaptor before you uninstall it.

So in other words, we are now supposed to leave the 11.2 web adaptor version in place on my web server until AFTER we run the Portal upgrade and post-upgrade steps?

I've done this so many times since 10.6 and we have always removed the web adaptor BEFORE running the Portal Setup.exe.  Can anyone comment?





Thanks - 


Sarasota County GIS

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13 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Yes I totally agree @RyanUthoff .  My understanding since 10.6 is that we uninstall the WAs before running the setup upgrade exes so that calls to Portal (and then Server) through the web adaptor urls can't get to the machines during their upgrades.

So yes I don't understand the change, and there is no documentation on the reason.  It's just 'changed'.

I recall seeing your post at my upgrade from 11.0 to 11.1 but because I had completed the upgrade by uninstalling WA first,  (11.1 Step 3) I had no comment to make.

Yes, I do see now that this doc for 11.0:

from the knowledge base reads to uninstall the WA after the portal post-upgrade has completed so no one knows what is 'correct'.  

BUT, now since both the 11.2 and 11.3 steps and the knowledge base doc say to do the WA uninstall - install after post upgrade(s), this is what I am going to do.


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Frequent Contributor

Ok so I completed 11.3 upgrade this Saturday.  We have a completely distributed deployment, with all of the components - Web Adaptors, Portal, Hosting Site, Relational Datastore, Tile Cache Datastore and a Federated Server Site that supports our Image Server and SDE feature access services on separate servers.

For the first time, I was able to convince our EIT security to allow the capability to suspend active virus scanning during the upgrades.  So for Portal, Server and Datastore what used to take 3 -4 hours per server, with various hanging points during both upgrade and post-upgrade, now took 15 - 30 minutes.

So for our entire enterprise, the update would take up to 18 hours.  I had the entire deploy upgraded, cleaned and tested, in 5 hours.

I can't express how thrilled I was.  Simply by suspending active virus scanning during the upgrade and post-upgrades.

I did run into one hiccup that relates to this thread.  While adopting the updated uninstall - reinstall order for web adaptor, the reinstalls went just fine for both Portals' WA and the Hosting Site WA. 

But for the Federated Site WA, the reinstall failed with a window installer message:

'Can't complete install because a folder with the same name already exists in the ....\innetpub\wwwroot...  directory.  Remove the folder or rename the install'.   Having never seen this before, I wasn't quite sure what to do. 

So I made sure that the 11.2 web adaptor was no longer registered with the 11.3 Federated Site and then I went into the wwwroot folder and physically delete the windows directory.  Then I ran the install again and it did complete.  It then took a few minutes for the IIS to recognize?  I guess?  my 'agsfed' WA name and it spun up via localhost and I was then able to configure.

Everything is up and clean so far, but am now thinking, that for my Federated Site, I may go back to removing the WA prior to running the Server upgrade exe . . .  but otherwise not real sure if there was a better way to handle this.



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MVP Regular Contributor

Hey, very very occasionally I get that WA issue on install. It appears random, and I put it down to bad luck.  As you suggested, I just clean it out of the Server/Portal Admin API, then hard delete it from IIS and the disk.  I've never had an issue with installing after those actions.  If it's working now, I see no reason to change it.  

Also agreed that AV makes a massive difference.  Well done on your upgrade.  🙂

Scott Tansley
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Frequent Contributor

Great thanks for the reply Scott, I just didn't know if there was a more elegant way to handle.

If occurs again in the future, I'll remove in order of Porta/Server>unregister (if still present )>remove from IIS>remove any remaining files from windows directory>install new.

Yes suspending AV was truly remarkable.  I've been asking my EIT security group to allow this for 10 - 12 years now, they finally relented . . . 

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