Hello There
I am trying to connect from ArcGIS Desktop 10.2.2 to Oracle 12c database but the ArcCatlog just crashes every time. here are my environment settings
ArcGIS Machine :
ArcGIS Deskop 10.2.2
Oracle client 12c R1 32 bit
Instance :myserver:1522/orcl ( I have tried using all the usernames and passwords but still fails not only sde)
Oracle machine
Oracle Database 64bit 12c
Oracle client 12c R1 32bit
ArcSDE 10.2.2 ( only installation but the schema is not upgraded to 10.2.2, the whole exercise is to upgrade it from ArcCatlog)
Please not that i am able to connect through command prompt to the oracle database without any problems in the ArcGIS Machine.
I have even tried using Oracle client 11g.
Can you please take a look into that and I could not know if ArcGIS 10.2.2 is supporting 12c or not.
Thanks a lot
Please check whether granting the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE to the users helps in resolving the issue.
It is already there Asrujit. but is Oracle 12c client is the right client or shall i use the instant client ?
Is 10.2.2 supporting Oracle 12c and Oracle 12c client ?
Both the Instant Client and Admin Client should work. Also Oracle 12C Client should work.
Yes, Oracle 12C is a supported database version for ArcSDE 10.2.x
Did you recently install any Oracle patches?
Are you the only user facing the crash? can other users connect to this database from there machine?
I have tested it from other machines but the same problem on all the machines.
but which Oracle client do i need on ArcGIS machine and Oracle machine for it to work ?
Which one have you tested and know for sure it is working?
If the Oracle Client was an issue, the Desktop interface should not crash...it should rather give you an error.
So I don't think that is the issue here. Still if you want to test this further, try a machine where you have Oracle 11gR2 client installed and check if the connection works.
Did you recently install any Oracle patches?
I also tried it with Oracle 11gR2 and the same issue . now it is only hanging for along time more than 15 minutes if you are using client 12c and crashing if you have client 11g. no i did not install any patches. it is an upgrade of Oracle 11gR2 was migrated to 12c.
I think what is being asked is whether your DBAs have fully patched the 12c database, including the latest October 2014 patches from Oracle. If so, that could be what is preventing you from connecting.
Critical Information Regarding Oracle Update and ArcGIS - See more at: http://blogs.esri.com/esri/supportcenter/2014/10/23/critical-information-regarding-oracle-update-and...
I am having the exact same issue, except that I am trying to connect to an ArcGIS 10.2.1 Desktop client. Has there been any progress made on troubleshooting this issue?