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Arcade in Portal not working - BUG?

01-04-2024 07:32 AM
Emerging Contributor


When I try to run expression in New Map Viewer - Style, the arcade pop window is not working properly. Here are the issues:

- you can't use OK, Back or Cancel buttons - basically you can't close the pop window on your own,

- the arcade window exits on its own after ~30s - so if you are trying to figure out your expression you have 30s,

- the aid section on the right side of window is missing (see image below),

- no expression works (see image below).


This issue is irrelevant of data layers. It behaves the same on any data layer. This issue doesn't exist in Classic Map Viewer, only in the new one. No issue in ArcGIS Online only in New Map Viewer in Portal. 

I speculate if  perhaps certain security patches caused this to malfunction.

Anyway, hopefully someone can chime in on how to fix it. Thank you.

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