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Arcade Expression with HTML, TextFormating.NewLine doesn't work ?

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12-05-2023 02:23 AM
Frequent Contributor

Hello, I have an attribute expression like this :

var transactions = FeatureSetByRelationshipName($feature,"SDE.TRANSACTIONS")
//return transactions
// Build the pop-up string by iterating through all related features
var info = ''
for (var f in transactions){
    info += "ID : " + DefaultValue(f.TRA_ADR_ID, 'no data') + TextFormatting.NewLine +
        "Nom immeuble : " +
        DefaultValue(f.TRA_NOM_IMMEUBLE, 'no data') + TextFormatting.NewLine +
        "Montant : " + 
        DefaultValue(f.TRA_MONTANT, 'no data') + TextFormatting.NewLine +
        "Acquéreur : " +
        DefaultValue(f.TRA_ACQUEREUR, 'no data') + TextFormatting.NewLine + TextFormatting.NewLine 
iif(isempty(info),'Pas de transactions','Transactions utilisateurs :'+TextFormatting.NewLine +TextFormatting.NewLine+info)


and it returns me that :



It's good for me but i want to improve my pop-up windows with some HTML.


So I try this code (it's only a short part of the code) :


var transactions = FeatureSetByRelationshipName($feature,"SDE.TRANSACTIONS")
var info = ''
for (var f in transactions){
    info += "ID : " + DefaultValue(f.TRA_ADR_ID, 'no data') + TextFormatting.NewLine +
       "Nom immeuble : " +
        DefaultValue(f.TRA_NOM_IMMEUBLE, 'no data') + TextFormatting.NewLine +
        "Montant : " + 
        DefaultValue(f.TRA_MONTANT, 'no data') + TextFormatting.NewLine +
        "Acquéreur : " +
        DefaultValue(f.TRA_ACQUEREUR, 'no data') + TextFormatting.NewLine + TextFormatting.NewLine

HTML += "<p style='text-align: left;'><span style='font-size: 16px; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;'>"+"<strong>"+iif(isempty(info),'Pas de transactions',TextFormatting.NewLine +TextFormatting.NewLine+info)+"</strong></span></p>"


But it returns me this :



It seems that the TextFormatting.NewLine constants do not work in the arcade window but only in the attribute expressions window? Or did I make a mistake in my code?


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1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
MVP Regular Contributor

One of the utilities of the backticks is so that you don't actually need to rely on textformatting etc.

Here are some ESRI provided resources that can provide a little more info.


And here's one more example of using the backticks to make writing HTML returns a bit easier

//set variables. First variable is the unique ID that is shared by the primary and related data. Second variable is calling the related forms as a FeatureSet
var treeGlobal = $feature.GlobalID;
var relatedForms = FeatureSetByName($map, "Tree Inventory Form")

//create a filter statement where the maintenance form GUID = the Tree Inventory GlobalID

var filterStatement = "TreeInv_Rel = @treeGlobal"

//a maintenance form equals the table run through the filter
var inspForm = Filter(relatedForms, filterStatement)

console (inspForm)

if (isEmpty(inspForm)) {
  var title = ``

else if (!isEmpty(inspForm)) {
  var title = `<div style="text-align:center"><b>Inspection Records</b></div><br>` 
// Sort related features by oldest to newest
var relatedDataSorted = OrderBy(inspForm, 'Date ASC')
// Build the pop-up string by iterating through all related features. Add or subtract new lines in the popupString as needed from the related form.
var popupString = ''
for (var f in relatedDataSorted){
    popupString += 
        `<div style="text-align:center"><b>${Text(f.Date, 'MMMM DD, Y')}</b></div><br>    
        <b>Maintenance Performed: </b>${DefaultValue(f.Maintenance_Performed, 'No maintenance performed')}<br>

        <b>Maintenance Performed by: </b>${DefaultValue(f.Performed_By, 'No maintenance performed')}<br>

        <b>Condition:  </b>${DefaultValue(f.Condition, 'Condition not assessed')} <br>

        <b>Chemical Used (if any): </b>${DefaultValue(f.Chemical_Treatment, 'No chemical treatment')} <br>

        <b>Amount Used (if any): </b>${DefaultValue(f.Chemical_Qty_ML, 'No chemical treatment')} <br>
        <b>Notes: </b>${DefaultValue(f.Notes, 'No notes')}<br><br>

return { 
	type : 'text', 
	text : `${title} 


You'll notice the backticks enclose my final popupstring variable and I just include an extra <br> tag at the end of the loop. That way, multiple related record come in with some breathing room between each.




Happy mapping,
- Zach

View solution in original post

7 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

If you're going to be returning HTML in the Arcade popup element, you need to use template literals (so enclose your variable HTML in  backticks (`) instead of quotes ("), and then use the HTML tag <br> instead of textformatting.newline. Then, remove all the plus signs and enclose your variables in brackets preceeded by a $. 


var transactions = FeatureSetByRelationshipName($feature,"SDE.TRANSACTIONS")
var info = ''
for (var f in transactions){
    info += "ID : " + DefaultValue(f.TRA_ADR_ID, 'no data') + TextFormatting.NewLine +
       "Nom immeuble : " +
        DefaultValue(f.TRA_NOM_IMMEUBLE, 'no data') + TextFormatting.NewLine +
        "Montant : " + 
        DefaultValue(f.TRA_MONTANT, 'no data') + TextFormatting.NewLine +
        "Acquéreur : " +
        DefaultValue(f.TRA_ACQUEREUR, 'no data') + TextFormatting.NewLine + TextFormatting.NewLine

HTML += `<p style="text-align: left;"><span style="font-size: 16px; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;"><strong>${iif(isempty(info),'Pas de transactions'},<br> <br>${info})</strong></span></p>`



Give that a try and see if it works, though there might still be issues with the HTML return portion ${iif(isempty(info),'Pas de transactions'},<br> <br>${info}). You may want to assign that to it's own variable, and then just use that new one in the final HTML return so it would look like:



var newVariable = iif(isempty(info),'Pas de transactions',info);

HTML += `<p style="text-align: left;"><span style="font-size: 16px; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;"><strong>${newVariable}</strong></span></p>`


Happy mapping,
- Zach
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Just a note: HTML generated by Arcade will only work using the Arcade popup element.

You might check out using the Arcade element to return a field list, too. Takes care of some of the styling and formatting for youl

- Josh Carlson
Kendall County GIS
0 Kudos
Frequent Contributor

Thanks for your replies both of you.


I don't understand one thing, i can use the HTML with Arcade like i write here :

var immeuble = $feature.lp_nom_immeuble
var id_lp = $feature.id_lp
var adresse = $feature.lp_num_voie + ', ' + $feature.lp_nom_voie + ' ' + $feature.lp_code_postal + ' ' + $feature.lp_ville
var surface = $feature.lp_surface_totale
var construction = $feature.periode_de_construction
var etat = $feature.etat_general
var nature = $feature.destination_principale
var loyer = $feature.loyer_moyen
var vacance = $feature.taux_de_vacance
var offre = $feature.offre_en_cours

var HTML = "<p style='text-align: center; line-height: 0.1;'><strong><span style='font-size: 30px; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; color: rgb(1, 42, 132);'>"+iif(IsEmpty(immeuble),'',immeuble)+"</span></strong></p>"
HTML += "<p style='text-align: center; line-height: 0.1;'><span style='font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;'><em><span style='font-size: 12px; color: rgb(1, 42, 132);'>"+iif(isempty(id_lp),"Pas d'ID Logipro","ID Logipro : "+id_lp)+"</span></em></span></p>"
HTML += "<p style='text-align: left;'><span style='font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;'><strong><span style='font-size: 16px; color: rgb(1, 42, 132);'>"+adresse+"</span></strong></span></p>"
HTML += "<p style='text-align: left;'><span style='font-size: 16px; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; color: rgb(1, 42, 132);'>"+iif(surface < 1,"Pas de surface renseignée","Surface de "+"<strong>"+surface+" m²")+"</strong></span></p>"
HTML += "<p style='text-align: left;'><span style='font-size: 16px; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; color: rgb(1, 42, 132);'>"+iif(construction < 1,"Pas d'année de construction renseignée","Année de construction : "+"<strong>"+construction)+"</strong></span></p>"
HTML += "<p style='text-align: left;'><span style='font-size: 16px; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; color: rgb(1, 42, 132);'>"+iif(isempty(etat),"Pas d'état renseigné","État de l'immeuble : "+"<strong>"+etat)+"</strong></span></p>"
HTML += "<p style='text-align: left;'><span style='font-size: 16px; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; color: rgb(1, 42, 132);'>"+iif(isempty(nature),"Pas de nature d'immeuble renseigné","Nature de l'immeuble : "+"<strong>"+nature)+"</strong></span></p>"
HTML += "<p style='text-align: left;'><span style='font-size: 16px; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; color: rgb(1, 42, 132);'>"+iif(loyer < 1,"Pas de loyer moyen renseigné","Loyer moyen de "+"<strong>"+loyer+" €/m²/an")+"</strong></span></p>"
HTML += "<p style='text-align: left;'><span style='font-size: 16px; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; color: rgb(1, 42, 132);'>"+iif(isempty(vacance),"Pas de taux de vacance renseigné","Taux de vacance de "+"<strong>"+(Round(vacance, 4)*100)+"%")+"</strong></span></p>"
HTML += "<p style='text-align: left;'><span style='font-size: 16px; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; color: rgb(1, 42, 132);'>"+"Offre en cours : "+"<strong>"+offre+"</strong></span></p>"
HTML += "<p style='text-align: center;'><span style='font-family: Calibri, sans-serif; font-size: 20px; color: rgb(1, 42, 132);'><strong>Transactions utilisateurs</strong></span></p>"


to build a pop-up like this :


And it works, all of the code that I write works.


So why I have to use backticks and <br> for that if everything else works ?

Can I only use this replacement to make a line break or it's mandatory to change all of my code ?


@ZachBodenner I try your code but it doesn't change anything, I don't understand what I have to make in <br> tags ?


0 Kudos
MVP Regular Contributor

First, I tried this (plugging your Arcade into my own data)

var PID = $feature.PID
var HTML = ``
//var newVariable = IIF(isempty(PID),"Pas d'ID Logipro","ID Logipro : "+PID)
//HTML += "<p style='text-align: center; line-height: 0.1;'><span style='font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;'><em><span style='font-size: 12px; color: rgb(1, 42, 132);'>"+iif(isempty(PID),"Pas d'ID Logipro","ID Logipro : "+PID+TextFormatting.NewLine+$feature.Address)+"</span></em></span></p>"
//HTML += `<p style='text-align: center; line-height: 0.1;'><span style='font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;'><em><span style='font-size: 12px; color: rgb(1, 42, 132);'>"${newVariable}<br>${$feature.ADDRESS}"</span></em></span></p>`
HTML += "<p style='text-align: center; line-height: 0.1;'><span style='font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;'><em><span style='font-size: 12px; color: rgb(1, 42, 132);'>"+IIF(isempty(PID),"Pas d'ID Logipro","ID Logipro : "+PID)+"</span></em></span></p>"

return HTML


The expression validates but doesn't actually return anything in my Arcade popup element. So then I tried to plug the variable HTML into the arcade return that exists when you add a new Arcade popup element:

var PID = $feature.PID
var HTML = ``
//var newVariable = IIF(isempty(PID),"Pas d'ID Logipro","ID Logipro : "+PID)
//HTML += "<p style='text-align: center; line-height: 0.1;'><span style='font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;'><em><span style='font-size: 12px; color: rgb(1, 42, 132);'>"+iif(isempty(PID),"Pas d'ID Logipro","ID Logipro : "+PID+TextFormatting.NewLine+$feature.Address)+"</span></em></span></p>"
//HTML += `<p style='text-align: center; line-height: 0.1;'><span style='font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;'><em><span style='font-size: 12px; color: rgb(1, 42, 132);'>"${newVariable}<br>${$feature.ADDRESS}"</span></em></span></p>`
HTML += "<p style='text-align: center; line-height: 0.1;'><span style='font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;'><em><span style='font-size: 12px; color: rgb(1, 42, 132);'>"+IIF(isempty(PID),"Pas d'ID Logipro","ID Logipro : "+PID)+"</span></em></span></p>"

//return HTML

return { 
	type : 'text', 
	text : HTML 


That got me somewhere:


Then I tried adding the new newline formatting that you included in your original post:

var PID = $feature.PID
var HTML = ``
//var newVariable = IIF(isempty(PID),"Pas d'ID Logipro","ID Logipro : "+PID)
HTML += "<p style='text-align: center; line-height: 0.1;'><span style='font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;'><em><span style='font-size: 12px; color: rgb(1, 42, 132);'>"+iif(isempty(PID),"Pas d'ID Logipro","ID Logipro : "+PID+TextFormatting.NewLine+$feature.Address)+"</span></em></span></p>"
//HTML += `<p style='text-align: center; line-height: 0.1;'><span style='font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;'><em><span style='font-size: 12px; color: rgb(1, 42, 132);'>"${newVariable}<br>${$feature.ADDRESS}"</span></em></span></p>`
//HTML += "<p style='text-align: center; line-height: 0.1;'><span style='font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;'><em><span style='font-size: 12px; color: rgb(1, 42, 132);'>"+IIF(isempty(PID),"Pas d'ID Logipro","ID Logipro : "+PID)+"</span></em></span></p>"

//return HTML

return { 
	type : 'text', 
	text : HTML 


But I did wind up with the same issue as you:



Then I tried using the template literal formatting, with backticks, and using the <br> tag to create the carriage return (you don't need to close the break tag, just put it somewhere where you want a new line, along with placing the IIF in a separate variable:

var PID = $feature.PID
var HTML = ``
var newVariable = IIF(isempty(PID),"Pas d'ID Logipro","ID Logipro : "+PID)
//HTML += "<p style='text-align: center; line-height: 0.1;'><span style='font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;'><em><span style='font-size: 12px; color: rgb(1, 42, 132);'>"+iif(isempty(PID),"Pas d'ID Logipro","ID Logipro : "+PID+TextFormatting.NewLine+$feature.Address)+"</span></em></span></p>"
HTML += `<p style='text-align: center; line-height: 0.1;'><span style='font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;'><em><span style='font-size: 12px; color: rgb(1, 42, 132);'>"${newVariable}<br>${$feature.ADDRESS}"</span></em></span></p>`
//HTML += "<p style='text-align: center; line-height: 0.1;'><span style='font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;'><em><span style='font-size: 12px; color: rgb(1, 42, 132);'>"+IIF(isempty(PID),"Pas d'ID Logipro","ID Logipro : "+PID)+"</span></em></span></p>"

//return HTML

return { 
	type : 'text', 
	text : HTML 


And that got me where I think you want it to be?



I think if you're using the Arcade element, it makes the most sense to utilize that


    type: 'text',



statement, which allows you to utilize the backticks notation and shorten the code a bit. As to why...I'm sure someone else could answer that question better than me.


Hope that helps!

Happy mapping,
- Zach
0 Kudos
Frequent Contributor

I use actually the return things.


The point is this : I have a function to get all of my transaction associated at one building (relationship class between building shape and transaction table).


there is the code : 

var transactions = FeatureSetByRelationshipName($feature,"SDE.TRANSACTIONS")
var info = ''
for (var f in transactions){
    info += "ID : " + DefaultValue(f.TRA_ADR_ID, 'no data') + TextFormatting.NewLine +
       "Nom immeuble : " +
        DefaultValue(f.TRA_NOM_IMMEUBLE, 'no data') + TextFormatting.NewLine +
        "Montant : " + 
        DefaultValue(f.TRA_MONTANT, 'no data') + TextFormatting.NewLine +
        "Acquéreur : " +
        DefaultValue(f.TRA_ACQUEREUR, 'no data') + TextFormatting.NewLine + TextFormatting.NewLine

On one building i can have N transactions associated, so when I click on my pop-up of the building shape, i can see all of the transaction associated, and all of the variables on the transaction are separated by a "TextFormatting.NewLine" to make a line break between variable so the information it show like that :


and between each transaction, i would make a line break to have a more airy text.


But i think the HTML have to be integrate directly in the function who recover my transaction information (so the part of the code that i share to you in this post) no ? But it is possible to do that ?


On your previous exemple, you can't parameter the HTML on the contents of the expression that you write, it's only on the expression himself when it called.

Because I try your thing, and all of my transaction are packed like this :


here is the code :

var transactions = FeatureSetByRelationshipName($feature,"SDE.TRANSACTIONS")
var info = ''
for (var f in transactions){
    info += "ID : " + DefaultValue(f.TRA_ADR_ID, 'no data') + TextFormatting.NewLine +
       "Nom immeuble : " +
        DefaultValue(f.TRA_NOM_IMMEUBLE, 'no data') + TextFormatting.NewLine +
        "Montant : " + 
        DefaultValue(f.TRA_MONTANT, 'no data') + TextFormatting.NewLine +
        "Acquéreur : " +
        DefaultValue(f.TRA_ACQUEREUR, 'no data') + TextFormatting.NewLine + TextFormatting.NewLine

var newVariable = iif(isempty(info),'Pas de transactions',info);

HTML += `<p style="text-align: left;"><span style="font-size: 16px; font-family: Calibri, sans-serif;"><em><strong>${newVariable}<br></strong></span></p>`

return { 
	type : 'text', 
	text : HTML


Maybe i miss something in your explanation but i didn't get the point of the utility of the backticks notation to resolve my problem ? 


0 Kudos
MVP Regular Contributor

One of the utilities of the backticks is so that you don't actually need to rely on textformatting etc.

Here are some ESRI provided resources that can provide a little more info.


And here's one more example of using the backticks to make writing HTML returns a bit easier

//set variables. First variable is the unique ID that is shared by the primary and related data. Second variable is calling the related forms as a FeatureSet
var treeGlobal = $feature.GlobalID;
var relatedForms = FeatureSetByName($map, "Tree Inventory Form")

//create a filter statement where the maintenance form GUID = the Tree Inventory GlobalID

var filterStatement = "TreeInv_Rel = @treeGlobal"

//a maintenance form equals the table run through the filter
var inspForm = Filter(relatedForms, filterStatement)

console (inspForm)

if (isEmpty(inspForm)) {
  var title = ``

else if (!isEmpty(inspForm)) {
  var title = `<div style="text-align:center"><b>Inspection Records</b></div><br>` 
// Sort related features by oldest to newest
var relatedDataSorted = OrderBy(inspForm, 'Date ASC')
// Build the pop-up string by iterating through all related features. Add or subtract new lines in the popupString as needed from the related form.
var popupString = ''
for (var f in relatedDataSorted){
    popupString += 
        `<div style="text-align:center"><b>${Text(f.Date, 'MMMM DD, Y')}</b></div><br>    
        <b>Maintenance Performed: </b>${DefaultValue(f.Maintenance_Performed, 'No maintenance performed')}<br>

        <b>Maintenance Performed by: </b>${DefaultValue(f.Performed_By, 'No maintenance performed')}<br>

        <b>Condition:  </b>${DefaultValue(f.Condition, 'Condition not assessed')} <br>

        <b>Chemical Used (if any): </b>${DefaultValue(f.Chemical_Treatment, 'No chemical treatment')} <br>

        <b>Amount Used (if any): </b>${DefaultValue(f.Chemical_Qty_ML, 'No chemical treatment')} <br>
        <b>Notes: </b>${DefaultValue(f.Notes, 'No notes')}<br><br>

return { 
	type : 'text', 
	text : `${title} 


You'll notice the backticks enclose my final popupstring variable and I just include an extra <br> tag at the end of the loop. That way, multiple related record come in with some breathing room between each.




Happy mapping,
- Zach
Frequent Contributor

Ok i understand !

In practice i suceed to combine my typping method with " and your technic with backtricks and it works for what i want to produce. Thanks you ! 

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