How do I publish a custom symbology set to be able to be used in Portal for ArcGIS?
I have imported a custom system set into ArcGIS Pro and wanted to find out how to have that custom symbology set available in Portal for ArcGIS?
Hi Dean,
This article may help you:
Thanks @mdonnelly that is helpful but also a little confusing as I am not sure what step 6 is trying to say. It indicated that you need to publish a map with the symbology but not sure what that really means. Is it that you publish a series of features, one for each symbol or just have at least one of the symbols in the map so when published the symbology is contained in the uploaded file. If you have contacts with the article author it would be great to have that clarified.
Yes, my understanding is that you would include features for each custom symbol that you wanted to host. This is supported by what it says in step 7:
The reliance on the hosted feature service is removed once you download the symbols and host them on a web server.
Unfortunately, I do not know who the author of this article is but if you get really stuck you can contact Esri support and they should be able to clarify any points for you.
I just learned for a colleague about this blog post. I hope you will find this helpful as well.
Thanks @TanuHoque that is very helpful but I have also just found out that publishing to Portal 10.8.1 does not work.
Has anyone found a way to publish an ArcPRO map with custom created symbology into Portal? I have searched for answers and explored methods, including those posted in this thread.
I find it interesting that when I do publish a map, the legend shows the symbology, but the symbols do not populate on the map.
if I understood correctly, you are publishing a map containing a layer with custom symbology. If that is correct. And you don't have any requirements for editing, then I'd suggest you to publish it as a map image layer to your portal. And then consume that service as a map image layer, instead of adding individual sublayers from the map service as feature layers.
I do need to edit. The data will be updated regularly, and will be published into a Dashboard.
then please try adding it as a map image layer, that should resolve your issue.