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Print Issue (403 Error) in Portal for ArcGis

02-05-2016 06:52 AM
Emerging Contributor

I'm running into a strange issue utilizing custom print services in Portal for ArcGIS.  Carefully following the online instructions for building a custom print service and feeding it into Portal, it will only allow me to print 2 - 3 services at a time.  Attempting to print more than 3 services at a time will return a 403 forbidden error.  With 3 services or less active it prints fine utilizing the custom print service.  I can use the same print service in a simple Flex map without any issues or service number limitations.  The services are secured via standard AD group security, and the AGS server is not federated.  Even if I share the map services with everyone on the portal side, and open the services to the public on the AGS server side, I still have the same behavior.  Has anyone come across a similar type of issue? 

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1 Reply
Occasional Contributor

Having similar issues with my print services.  Did you ever figure this out?

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