I have created a Portal to Portal Collaboration between our companies enterprise system and a separate companies enterprise system, we are the host. The collaboration was successful and we created a shared workspace with a group that now has lots of content from both sides. My problem/question is that whenever either organization opens content from the other organization it asks us to sign-in to the others portal with a username and password. It was my understanding that with a shared workspace and collaboration that we would not have to create a user in our portals for each other to see and use the shared content.
Looking for any feedback, Thanks
Hi Damon Nelton
Is the workspace configured to share data as copies or references? If you're not sure, you can check at Portal > Organization > Collaborations > Select Collaboration name > Select Workspace name. It should let you know under the Group name.
Additionally, is the data shared to the Collaboration group secured, or shared publicly?
If your data is secured, and being shared as a reference, it would be expected that the other Organization is prompted to authenticate. See the following documentation - Share hosted feature layers, hosted feature layer views, and federated feature layers as references.
If this is not the case, so your data is being shared as copies, or as a reference and it is shared with 'Everyone', this should not be the case. Please let me know if this is consistent with your current configuration or not.
I hope this helps,
The group associated with this workspace will send some feature layers and views as copies, and receive items based on the sending participant(s) configuration.
The Data is not shared publicly
Note that the data itself is being published to portal from an Enterprise Geodatabase as a reference file is that makes a difference?
What type of authentication is Portal using?
Both SAML and some Built-in. If this wasn't what you were asking for please help me with what you meant by authentication. Thanks