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Population Centroids per TAZ zone

08-20-2010 10:01 AM
Emerging Contributor
Hello:  I am looking for a tool that calculates population centroids per TAZ (traffic area zone).  These are zones similar in size to school districts.  This would seem like such a common need, that I'm surprised not to find a simple tool to do it.  Bill Hubler has given advice in past forums on this.  I understand his advice but I don't know how to make grids of x, and grids of y coordinates.

The centroid formula is the same as for any weighted average.  The problem I have is, again, attributing my population data with its coordinates such that the centroid formula can be applied.

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Emerging Contributor
Thank you, the "Calculate Geometry" tool was very helpful to give me X and Y coordinates, and subsequently to calculate the centroid of my TAZ. 

Now I just need to do the same proceedure 15 times for all my TAZ's.

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