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Multiple Attribute Legend

09-19-2011 10:06 AM
New Contributor
I am creating maps with two attributes, using colors to represent classification variables and graduated symbols to represent the quantities.  I would like the legend to only show the quantities once, but the quantities are repeating each time in the legend, once for each category.  This is "overkill," and I'd like to display the colors I'm using for the categories and only show the symbol sizes once.  Any ideas?  Thanks.
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2 Replies
Emerging Contributor
May I ask how you got this to work?  I'm trying to use the "Multiple Attributes" dialog box to display census tracts as multi-colored graduated smbols.  I specify the average age of admission and count of clients as the two value fields.  I specify the age variable in the color ramp option and client count in the symbol size option.  The closest I got was to color the census tracts with the average age range while showing the client count as a single-color graduated symbol. The symbol often covered the entire census tract, which is OK.  I just wanted them to change colors.

I finally used a separate layer for each age group so that I could color the graduated symbols as I needed to.  Even then, I didn't see any solution for you to customize the legend.  You might have to export the legend pieces one at a time as graphics and then pull them into the map.
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Regular Contributor
I am creating maps with two attributes, using colors to represent classification variables and graduated symbols to represent the quantities.  I would like the legend to only show the quantities once, but the quantities are repeating each time in the legend, once for each category.  This is "overkill," and I'd like to display the colors I'm using for the categories and only show the symbol sizes once.  Any ideas?  Thanks.

Did you ever get a solution to this problem. I have exactly the same problem, and it seems to me that ArcGIS ought to recognize this as a typical situation. Would love to know if you figured it out.
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