I've recently started using the MGRS grid style, and have appreciated the control over the format of different elements in coordinate labels. This question relates to the labels for the corner coordinate.
I'm using the option to switch on the corner coordinate labels, to show the full coordinate value, in metres. However, the label offset from the map edge seems to apply to the secondary digits (small font size), rather than the principal digits (large font size). In this case, with a label offset of 3 points, the principal digits (here, "61"), abut the map edge in an unsatisfactory way. Any ideas how to change this, or is there some reason for it to be this way?
The other unsatisfactory issue is that the top edges of the principal and secondary digits aren't aligned; there doesn't seem to be a "superscript" control. Again, any ideas on how to change this?
(In both cases, my workflow means that converting to graphics and manually editing isn't really an option...)
Thanks in advance -