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Map Image Layers become rearranged after overwrite

01-27-2021 05:06 PM
Labels (2)
Occasional Contributor


We have an ongoing issue that Map Image Layers in our organization's Portal are rearranged after an overwrite. 

For Example: I have a Stormwater MIL with 5 layers in Portal that is in several web maps/apps. When I am required to overwrite the layers become jumbled. Pits (point) data appears under pipes and pipes (lines) under pits etc. 

I have no option but to remove and reload the MIL into the webmap and reset all configuration on the layers (pop-ups, labelling etc). 

I would like to know if anyone else has experienced this problem? Am I better off including a Feature layer for stability or will this make no difference?



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2 Replies
Esri Contributor

@RebekahPolette , what you are experiencing is by design and in order to fix the layer ordering is to republish the service in the order you need it in the webmap. You can't reorder a map image layer within a webmap. 

Shelley Schott
Senior Consultant, Esri Australia
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Occasional Contributor

Hi Shelley,


Thank you for the response. I have screenshot below the problem. On the left is how it should be., On the right is how the web map is after I overwrite a MIL. The point and line features end up in the wrong layers. 

I checked my project and the order within the layer has not been changed. 


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