Hello! We have Workforce in our Enterprise for our Sanitation department. I recently got a request from the department for them to download the csv of the attribute table but it needs to include the assignment type description field (yes, the one in the related table) and the worker's name (also in another related table). I created the expression in a pop-up but it doesn't populate when downloaded to a csv file. Is it possible to do this with an attribute rule? The featuresetbyname doesn't seem to work in the attribute rule arcade window. I tried featuresetbyrelationshipname but then I get null values and it wants a feature set. I tried portalitem and that was a bust too. Nothing I do makes it happy. Has anyone done this successfully? It seems like such a simple thing but I have struggled all day with this. We have Enterprise 10.9.1
Here is my code for the pop-up:
//related table
var tbl = FeatureSetByName($map,"workforce_a1f6f542810949c79ef8a3376f3c5daa - Assignment Types",['description']);
//primary foreign key linking to related table
var pkid = $feature.assignmenttype
//primary key of related table
var sql = "GlobalID = '" + pkid + "'";
//query related table
var related_data = First(Filter(tbl, sql));
return related_data.description;