We have an enterprise Portal which is HTTPS-only and uses windows-authentication. We have a CAD client that wants to use a series of OGC (WMS and WFS) layers registered in the Portal. Attempting to add the layers in the client (or in ArcMap) gives an error that a token is needed. By generating a token on the portal administration page, you can add the WMS service into ArcMap or into the CAD one time, but a subsequent attempt to add (even for a two-week token) will fail. What is wrong here? The URL I use in ArcMap is like https://mysite.domain.com/portal/..../WMSurl?&token=xxxxxx . It will work exactly once in ArcMap (ditto for the CAD client). It fails the next time I try to reconnect, no matter how soon.
I have a similar situation. Did you ever figure out a solution?
We never figured this out. The Portal machine was upgraded to 10.3.1 and we configured it to support both HTTP and HTTPS.