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GPMultiValue:GPFeatureRecordSetLayer is not supported for now error

09-22-2023 08:00 AM
Labels (2)
Emerging Contributor

Hello community,

I need assistance with this error. I trying to create a tool for users to upload shapefile data to a feature service layer hosted in ArcGIS online, but I keep getting the error "GPMultiValue:GPFeatureRecordSetLayer is not supported for now" 

Here is the workflow;

I publish the 'Append Tool' as a web tool with ArcGIS Pro to ArcGIS Enterprise. The Source layer is a parameter and accepts shapefile, file gdb etc. Target layer is fixed. Its a feature service hosted on that enterprise portal.

I also checked the box for 'Upload' option in Capabilities and in the Content section I made the Input Dataset as 'User Defined'.

After publishing it, when I add this geoprocessing service to Web AppBuilder, it shows that error within the input option.

I have attached three screenshots for your reference.

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1 Reply
Frequent Contributor


        It sounds like your input shape file is has multi-point or multi-polygon geometry.  I believe that is when one record is associated with muiltiple points or multiple polygons.  See here for a better description of multi-point and multi-polygon. - 

        Perhaps this tool only supports the simpler point geometry and not the multi-point geometry.


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