I'm having an issue with our Portal logs where nothing is showing up, despite having set the log level to "Verbose" - we originally were able to view queried portal logs. No matter what I do, I'm not seeing the logs online. .log files are being created on the server backend folder that we can see through Windows Explorer, but what would prompt the lack of logs showing up online? Third image - you can see at one point we were able to see them! The account I'm using has admin credentials and has always had admin credentials (no permissions change).
I would definitely recommend checking the permissions on the logs folder for the Portal for ArcGIS service account. You could also test changing the log location for Portal to a local drive on that machine to see if there is any difference in behavior. This behavior occurs across all browsers/machines?
Hi Travis, thanks for the response. It occurs across several browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer) and machines for admin Portal users. I highly doubt permissions were changed on the log folder since our deployment, but I'll check into that.
Hi Emily, were you ever able to resolve this issue?
Ran into this today. After moving the logs directory to another directory nothing was showing. Running the Clean command from portaladmin seems to have fixed the issue.
So go to ...portal/portaladmin/logs/clean and execute the request
Did it delete or destroy the old log files? Were you able to check the older logs afterward?
Hi MoMahmoud, I just had to run the portal/portaladmin/logs/clean operation to get our logs to appear online again too. Before I ran it, I took a copy of the .log files from our server. Running the clean operation deleted all the logs and created one new log from today's date. Then I copied the old log files back into the folder, and then those logs appeared online too (however I did not overwrite the new log file from today's date in case that caused problems).
Thanks for posting this Trevor -- I had the same problem and I was able to resolve it by running the portal/portaladmin/logs/clean operation as well!