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Datastore license status

01-25-2022 05:25 PM
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MVP Regular Contributor

How can I check out Datastore license expiration date?

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8 Replies
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ArcGIS Datastore license expiration is equal to ArcGIS Server Hosted expiration

The command line updatelicense

This utility is used with relational data stores.

If your ArcGIS Server license expires, you must update the license on the ArcGIS Server site. The license information is also stored in the ArcGIS Data Store relational data store; therefore, after updating the license of the ArcGIS Server site with which the data store is configured, you must update the license in the data store. To do that, run the updatelicense utility from the machine where your primary ArcGIS Data Store is installed. If you have a standby ArcGIS Data Store, the updated license will be replicated to it.



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MVP Regular Contributor

Sure, I get that part. But how do I verify that this was done the last time the server license was updated?

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Honored Contributor

There is no DataStore license required to run it, you can install it and run it with no license at all. 

There is nothing you can do with it by itself so there is no reason for Esri to require it to have a separate license.

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MVP Regular Contributor

that does not feel right. why is there the updatelicense.bat?  

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Honored Contributor

The actual answer to your question is, there is no expiration date on DataStore, it's on Server. If you let Server expire you might have to run the "updatelicense.bat" to reconnect.

I had a broken DataStore a few months ago, Esri had me re-install it and there is no license process. You install it and then you go into Server Manager -> Sites -> Data Stores and "re-connect" it in there. You can delete or add a single DataStore. 

Reading the docs, it looks like updatelicense.bat is doing the same thing -- it's checking your Server is available and then creating an entry referencing it in the DataStore.

You can do a "validate" in that same place on Server Manager to make sure the Data Store is reachable,

It looks like this





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MVP Regular Contributor

hmmm... okay thanks

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MVP Regular Contributor

updatelicense.bat Esri doc.

If your ArcGIS Server license expires, you must update the license on the ArcGIS Server site. The license information is also stored in the ArcGIS Data Store relational data store; therefore, after updating the license of the ArcGIS Server site with which the data store is configured, you must update the license in the data store. To do that, run the updatelicense utility from the machine where your primary ArcGIS Data Store is installed. If you have a standby ArcGIS Data Store, the updated license will be replicated to it.  

This sure makes it sound like it is stored in the Datastore as well...

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Honored Contributor

Well, yes, it is a link between the two, but you wanted to know how to check the expiration date, and you can't, you have to go to Server and check the date there because that's what is licensed.


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