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Data Frame Rounding

01-07-2011 06:39 AM
Deactivated User
In the Data Frame properties under the Frame tab there's an option for Rounding which will round the corners of your data frame.

I have a map layout where several data frames are used as insets. I wanted them rounded to match my main dataframe which is also rounded. But when I export this to PDF the square corners are still visible and in white against a dark backdrop.

I tried printing it straight from ArcMap and the squared corners are still there. Anyone come across this able to fix it?

I'm in ArcMap 9.3.1

I tried a smaller sample this morning and for some reason this behaviour only affects one of my inset data frames, and not both.
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Deactivated User
someone helped me find an old thread on the old forum that discusses this.

Transparency in your layers is an issue and may cause the rounded corners to fail. This was the case in my situation. I removed transparency from all my layers and the dataframe rounding worked fine.

The only one that failed was for an imported word document that I placed a rounded white dataframe in the background behind it. For that one it still remained a white rectangle with squared edges.
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