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cannot pinch for zoom in/out/pan in Samsung A71 within Airwatch Browser

06-16-2020 05:51 AM
Esri Contributor

Hello everybody,

One of our customers has Portal 10.6.1 federated with ArcGIS Server 10.6.1.
He has bought for his field workers Samsung A71 with Android 10 on it.
They try to open a mobile application (built on WebApp Builder developer edition 2.15) and he cannot pinch for zoom in/out/pan with the fingers.
The same issue occurs with a built in application in Portal.

Before he had Samsung A5 with Android 8 and there was no problem.
He uses chrome yum, version on Airwatch Browser.

Anyone encountered any limitations with these devices?


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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

This sounds like the pan/zoom issue observed in 10.6.1.

BUG-000116195: Panning and zooming in the web map on a touch screen.. 

This was corrected in a patch.  My recommendation would be to have the customer install the latest security patch for Portal for ArcGIS 10.6.1 which includes the fix for that.

Esri Support Portal for ArcGIS 10.6 (10.6.1) 


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