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Can you set the symbology, labels or pop-ups of a map image layer once it's been published?

04-18-2023 05:51 PM
Frequent Contributor

I'd like to set the symbology, pop-ups and labels on a published map image layer, similar to how you can set these in the Visualization tab of a feature layer in ArcGIS Online/Enterprise. 


Is there a way to do this on a map image layer once it's been published outside of ArcGIS Pro? Or is there a way to edit this in ArcGIS Pro and have it automatically flow through because we are working with a referenced registered layer?

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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Hi Hayley,

I'd suggest the easiest way is to overwrite the existing service from ArcGIS Pro which includes your new symbology.

If possible, use the original ArcGIS Pro project which you created the service from, and then update this Project moving forward (with various symbology changes).

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