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Callout snapping

03-14-2012 01:29 PM
Occasional Contributor
I want to insert annotations in layout view and have them snap to guides I have set up.  However, instead of the callout snapping to the symbol, it snaps to the text.
The attached image illustrates the problem.  What I want, is to have the border of the callout snap to the guide.  Is there a way to do this?
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2 Replies
Emerging Contributor
Reduce the size of the left and right margins.

or position it so it snaps to the guide then use Shift+Arrow Keys to move it to the desired position.

Shift+Arrow key moves it a small distance.

Arrow Key will move it  mid distsance.

Ctrl+Arrow key moves it a large distance.

The distance these move is also dependent upon your current layout extent (Not map extent)
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Occasional Contributor
Reduce the size of the left and right margins.

or position it so it snaps to the guide then use Shift+Arrow Keys to move it to the desired position.

Shift+Arrow key moves it a small distance.

Arrow Key will move it  mid distsance.

Ctrl+Arrow key moves it a large distance.

The distance these move is also dependent upon your current layout extent (Not map extent)

This is what I have been doing, but it's very tedious when there are a large number of annotations.  
I need a margin around the text, and I am trying to line up the callout border with the dataframe border.  It is nearly impossible to get these borders to match and not look weird when printed.
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