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Alternative to Geolookup tool?

02-05-2025 12:23 PM
Occasional Contributor

Is there an alternative to the Geolookup tool in ArcGIS Experience Builder/ArcGIS Instant App in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1?

My goal is to create an application where users input a spreadsheet with latitude and longitude attributes, which 1. creates points in the web map and 2. spatially join to inters polygons 3. allows download. However, I understand that WebAppbuilder will be deprecated, so I'm looking for a more long-term solution.

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According to this ESRI document page, the GeoLookup Tool was replaced with the Analysis tool in EB. In typical ESRI fashion, what usually happens is that the replacing tool/widget doesn't offer the same parity as what it's designed to replace. You'll need to review the Analysis Tool help doc to see if your workflow is possible with it and, if not, submit an ESRI Idea to backfill the functionality lost. It absolutely sucks but this is how ESRI has continued to operate.