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Add data CSV file example

03-25-2021 05:18 AM
Labels (1)
Emerging Contributor

I now have the add data widget deployed but when uploading a CSV I get the following error

ERROR 001508: Request to geocode service failed

I believe this is linked to the format of my CSV file and the header row but not certain. Could anyone assist. CSV file is


1,119 avenue,northampton,NN8 1XX



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2 Replies
MVP Alum

When you add a CSV file with address attribute (No XY data), the map will try to geocode the data.

You need to configure Portal to Geocode Addresses. You may create a custom geocoder by publishing appropriate address Locator from ArcGIS Desktop.

If you don't have a custom geocoder, you could use Esri World Batch Geocoder. To use Esri World Batch Geocoder, you need to configure Portal with an ArcGIS Online Organizational Account (since it consumes credits). 

Think Location
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Emerging Contributor

I have several locators in my geocoding section including ArcGis World Geocoding Server.  Separately I've added X and Y coordinates to my file, the CSV file uploads and tells me 1 feature but the map is white rather than a dot on my base map.



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