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Prevent or limit ArcGIS Pro publisher ability to create a new REST folder

06-05-2023 10:49 PM
Occasional Contributor

It would be a great enhancement if administrators were able to prevent users from creating new folders within the REST structure when publishing to hosting and referenced servers.  It would also be ideal that users can be limited to specific, existing folders when they do publish features. 

Currently users can create a new folder in REST at the time of publishing.  This opens the risk that structured folders become unstructured.

Similar ideas have been mentioned previously; however this remains an issue and concern for good data management.

I would like to see this included in a future update please.



This is an important governance improvement - seconded.


agree, this would still be a very useful capability to have. Custom roles have been around quite some time, though they have gotten more fine grained they don't allow restriction of publisher users to create folders for server based services.

You can restrict users from publishing to entire servers, by changing the server role, but not from publishing anywhere / creating folders on the server.






Essential if you have to manage many publishers

Status changed to: Under Consideration

If Organisations with many publishers are to have any chance of creating and maintaining consistent server folder structures, this is essential.


i agree - and would like to add a special case:  prevent users from publishing to the root folder


Might need to post a new idea, but in the same arena...

Prevent certain publishers from using dedicated instances.