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Display coordinates as degree decimal minute?

12-01-2022 01:04 AM
New Contributor


Is there a way to get ArcGIS Earth to display coordinates in the format of Degree Decimal Minutes?

Unfortunately, the settings and the config files only allow coordinate formats for

'Decimal Degrees'

'Degrees Minutes Seconds'

'UTM Metres'

'UTM Feet'


Is this feature still in development? I saw a post from 2017 that this was in the backlog. 

2 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hello @KA20221201 ,


Thanks for sharing your ideas with us. We did record this issue in our release backlog back then but it has been in the icebox due to the lack of feedback. The good news is that our developers started to review and research this topic recently. I'll keep this post synced up if there are any updates.

Thank you!


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Frequent Contributor

Support from here @KA20221201 . Was not aware the "DD MM.mmmm" was not supported but it should be. Any sailor would want that 🙂 It is supported in ArcGIS Pro and Drone2Map so I guess it was taken for granted to be supported in Earth. Good idea! best pH  

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