Hello fellow contributors,
I produced a multiple true ortho images but when I try to stich or combined the images, the overlapping is not aligned with each other, what's the best solution to align and stitch it?
kindly see the attached file for reference.
Thank you.
Are you able to share the processing report as well? This would be found in the project folder (Report> PDF)
That might help provide some extra insight as to what might be going on. Was this a single or multiple flights?
This was a multiple flights, attached files are reports of each flight.
I need to align each true ortho image that I produced in drone2map before making it a mosaic in ArcGIS Pro, what would be the solution for that?
Thank you @MarkBarker1
How are you combining the true orthos? Are you using Drone2Map, ArcGIS Pro, or some other method?
Cody B.
Through ArcGIS Pro, I used drone2map to process multiple flight of my drone images, then I want to stitch all the true ortho images that I produced in ArcGIS Pro.
Attached files are the reports from drone2map.
Thank you for sharing the processing reports. It looks like you used a lot of GCPs created from the map and many of them are displaying high projection error. Have you processed the imagery without GCPs and still had issues mosaicking the results together?
I am happy to take a look at the projects you shared above in your screenshots if are able to share them. Feel free to email me and I can setup a shared folder to help review the results further. mbarker@esri.com
Hi Ramon
I've been talking with Mark about your data - I'm sure we can make this work better.
I wanted to confirm that you are selecting all of your ground control points on the ground? If you are surveying your own points with GPS, you can use control on tops of buildings - but when extracting control from the map note that the Z value comes from Esri's World Terrain which provides an estimate of the ground height, not including buildings.
Also, can you let us know how you are controlling your drone flight? The flight line direction and spacing appear to be somewhat variable - so if you have inconsistent overlap and a lot of buildings in the project area, this can also reduce accuracy.
For future flights, if you have access to an iPad (and depending on the model of drone) I'd recommend you use our drone flight control app, ArcGIS Flight. (See http://esriurl.com/ArcGISflight and also https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-flight-blog/arcgis-flight-supported-aircraft-and-cameras/ba-p/1... )
Best wishes