GCPs in NGVD 1988 Vertical Datum, in U.S. Feet

04-06-2017 12:27 PM
Status: Implemented
New Contributor III

Following along with the idea to "Convert exif Data from Meters to Feet," allowing us to incorporate ground control points representing elevations to orthometric heights in a datum commonly used in the U.S. would be extremely helpful.

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Richard Hudson‌ I'm not sure I really understand what the Idea is asking for.  Do vertical transformations address the issue?

Geographic datum transformations—Properties of maps | ArcGIS Desktop Notice that this involves installing the Coordinate System Data for these versions of the software, in order to utilize the GeoCON utility created by the NGA to perform vertical datum transformations.  Esri did not reinvent the wheel here – we just built GeoCON into the Projection Engine to make SOME vertical transformations available.  Additional functionality from GeoCON will be added to future releases but the user has to install the Coordinate System Data.

ArcGIS 10.5.0 Geographic and Vertical Transformation Tables: http://desktop.arcgis.com/en/arcmap/latest/map/projections/pdf/geographic_transformations.pdf 


Thanks for the response, Kory. I thought I was placing this notion into the Drone2Map category. But I greatly appreciate the recommendation to install the Coordinate System Data, which I had not taken the time to do previously.


To close the loop, I found no path within all the available coordinate transformations in Coordinate System Data to transform ellipsoidal heights to orthometric heights for any geoid other than the world models EGM96, EGM84, or EGM2008. That, I could find no path from ellipsoidal heights to NAVD1988 (Geoid12B, or any other CONUS model).


Hi Richard, 

We are missing vertical transformations for NAVD88 when it's in int'l feet or US survey feet. I need to add them or add a general unit change transformation. This has not made ArcGIS 10.6.1 / ArcGIS Pro 2.2, unfortunately. I will work on it for the next releases.



Thanks very much for following up, Melita,


Status changed to: In Product Plan

Hi @RichardHudson , support for Drone2Map to have the same coordinate systems available as ArcGIS Pro, including NAVD88, is scheduled for the next release. Current Drone2Map users can try it out now through the Early Adopter Community 

Status changed to: Implemented

Cleaning up an old IDEA.  Drone2Map includes full coordinate system support from ArcGIS Pro (NOTE: must have the ArcGIS Coordinate System Data program installed.  https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-drone2map-questions/rtk-ellipsoid-height-to-orthometric-geoid-h...2 )