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Using AddIns in Browser view

11-10-2016 11:36 PM
Deactivated User

Hi I have added the Export Add-Ins provided by ESRI in dashboard and shared. but in my browser view I am not able to see the Add Ins.

Please suggest if any other settings needs to be done.

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2 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

The following were some comments by Tif Pun‌ in Reporting and Export options in Operations Dashboard

WPF-based addins (such as this export CSV map tool) will only work in the desktop app and not the browser app. However, using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript you can develop extensions that can be cross-platform (please see here for more info).

Recently we've added an "Export to CSV" feature action sample to our GitHub repository. It's written using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript and will work in both the Windows and browser platform. Please check it out and if you would like to help improve the sample, we love getting pull requests and issues from you!

Note: JavaScript extensions are supported in Portal for ArcGIS 10.4 and later.

Extend Operations Dashboard

Think Location
Deactivated User

Thanks Jayanta for quick response. I am very new to operation dashboard and looks some thing where custom code is not required and export feature can be achieved through configuration only. Could you please provide some help in that.

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