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Turning on layers with list selection - workarounds?

04-16-2018 06:52 AM
Occasional Contributor

I have an Operations Dashboard that we are using to track ~25 telemetry tagged fish.  I'd like to show only the current location points (no previous location points) upon the dashboard loading.  When the user selects a specific fish from the list widget, I want it to filter to show not only that fish's current location - but also it's previous locations, essentially to turn on the previous location layer.

Dashboard:  Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS 

I'm finding that the previous locations layer has to be ON in the webmap for the filter to work.  This causes the previous locations layer to load upon start (which I don't want as there are way too many points).  If the layer is off, the filter doesn't work. 

It seems like this functionality (the list widget turning on/off layers) is not supported.  Any other thoughts or potential work-arounds?

Thank you!

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3 Replies
Occasional Contributor

Did you ever figure this out?  I'm running into the same problem.

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Occasional Contributor

Hi Gayle,

   Yes - here is the live version:  Race Up Rock Creek – Montana Trout Unlimited 

   I think you should be able to download the dashboard and explore the configurations, but the fish layer that the dashboard is using has all the positions (current and previous) in the same layer with the position as an attribute.  I then have a filter using this attribute.  It's not ideal, but was a doable workaround.  Feel free to contact me directly for more info!



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Occasional Contributor

Thank you Katie!

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