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Showing blank values in a serial graph widget

05-23-2022 07:04 AM
Occasional Contributor

I have created a dashboard for supervisors to monitor site safety inspections submitted from a Survey123 I have also created. Upon each inspection, a supervisor selects which members of staff are present from a multiple choice question in the form, with the aim is to have everyone inspected at least once per month.


I'd like to include a graph (as above) to show any staff that have not received a site safety monitoring but, as the serial chart widget only shows those with a value against them, it only shows staff that did receive an inspection.


The analyse tab on the Survey123 form does what I need perfectly and so the only work around I could find was to embed that page into the dashboard:


However this isn't ideal as it can take a while to load the embedded webpage. The supervisor is also required to enter the specified date manually each time and hide/unhide questions so that they only see the relevant graph, and not the other questions within the survey.


Is there a way for the serial chart widget to show what I am after without using a data expression, or any other form of coding? I've no experience of doing either.

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2 Replies
Esri Contributor

Are you trying to get the graph to show the "empty categories" that you have checked on in the view of the survey dashboard?

You could try clicking + series to add the missing categories.  See screenshot.


If that is not what you're trying to do, could you be more specific?

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Occasional Contributor

Thanks for the reply.

I've tried what you suggested but I don't have any options to add additional categories. It seems to lump all my categories under "Undefined categories" and clicking "Load categories" does not do anything.


I can only get the graph to show values by having the categories as a grouped value which, I think, is what might be causing the problem. As it is counting combinations of names as unique categories, an inspection in which the names of two employees are recorded would be shown as a seperate category to an inspection with the same two employees plus a additional third employee. Each of these categories would have a value of one which is not fully accurate.

What I would like the graph to look like is the graph presented for this question on the analyse tab of Survey123. On this graph each employee name has its own category and therefore, using the same example as above, the first two employees would both have a value of two and the third would have a value of one.

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