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Scheduling a model tool to run

02-20-2024 04:43 AM
Emerging Contributor

I am trying to schedule a simple model I built in model builder to run. The model runs a simple field calculate- arcade expression to generate a URL for 3 different fields.  In testing the model works as it’s supposed to. When I schedule the model to run, it runs without any errors but there are no results within the fields afterwards. I am not sure why it's not giving any results after it runs.

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3 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor
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Emerging Contributor

I was hoping to not go that route, but I guess I will have to. I was able to get results on an unpublished copy of the features within the same geodatabase. Not sure why a published version would cause problems. Thanks.

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Esri Esteemed Contributor

Instead of calculating the fields, can you use a pop-up Arcade expression to perform the calculation?  This route, you won't have to rely on a model/script to be executed, the field will be calculated on-the-fly.

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