It seems like through trial and error, what we are trying to do may not be possible, but i wanted to confirm and fish for alternate ideas...
From a dashboard, we are presenting some links to additional charts and pages that supplement the data. Ideally, these links would be presented in a specifically sized pop up window, rather than a new tab.
The following works well in a stand alone web page -- but when embedded in the Rich Text element of my dashboard, it creates both the pop up and a new tab.
<p><a href="http://www.esri.com" onclick="window.open('http://www.esri.com','SODAR','height=500,width=650'); return false;" >SODAR Chart</a></p>
We are currently using Portal 10.6.1. I did this same test in online and noticed the on-click portion was stripped from configuration.
thanks for any thoughts or recommendations you have!
Wound up working around this behavior by creating/hosting an html page with the desired link behavior and then using 'embedded content' to reference the page in the dashboard.
Hi @jessneuner1 ,
This is exactly what I need.
Could you give me an example code of it?
I already embedded my dashboard in a html page using an iframe. But how do I change de the link behavior?