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Issue with category selector

01-29-2024 09:18 AM
MVP Regular Contributor

Tl;DR: The main issue is that the category selector (select multiple) gets stuck on "loading" when I try to configure it to have flash, pan, or zoom actions.


Background/Detail: I am working with a dataset that currently has ~100,000 records. Each record has a value in the "Source" attribute with the state name or the federal data source, and so I want to set up a category selector in my dashboard that allows the users to either select all state data through a "Select All" (which filters out the federal data from the map) or the user can select various states individually and see those features on the map. I want my map to pan/zoom to the features when the user makes a selection.

The category filter keeps getting stuck on "loading" and won't accept user interaction.


This is what I want it to look like:


The category selector is configured to display categories from grouped values, based on this filter to remove the federal datasets:


The category selector works IF I only have the Filter action. If I try to add Flash, Pan, or Zoom in addition, it gets stuck on the "loading" state.


Any ideas on why this is happening and possible workarounds?









“The goal is not simply to ‘work hard, play hard.’ The goal is to make our work and our play indistinguishable.”
- Simon Sinek
2 Replies
New Contributor

Having a similar issue, dashboard allowed zoom option on the category selector but now it is no longer there. Was having the same loading problem only to realize it was due to the fact that when updating my data, I previously was zooming to features that used grouped values which apparently is no longer supported? For whatever reason after updating the dashboard this zoom option is no longer there. 52390afd-94b5-4009-b025-cedf55b27c69.jpg875f0123-3f8a-4bcf-a9e4-f545206d5c8c.jpgEsriCapture.PNG

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New Contributor

Having the same issue, has this been resolved?

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